Take away of Feb 11th Class

Hare Krsna,

I request everyone to attend the Saturday classes. I couldn't find key persons in the last class. It is better we give priority for Krsna activity rather than giving priority to other activities in life. You remember the Sloka 4.11 and its meaning. You can't get Krsna's mercy if you don't spend time for His activities.

We discussed the following sloka:
prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni               3.27
guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
kartāham iti manyate

The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.

Also we had seen how King Dhrastra acted with the force of three modes against Pandavas. One needs to chant Hare Krsna Maha mantra to come out of the Three modes of material nature.

Thank you